Saturday, May 30, 2009

“Don't spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door.”-Coco Chanel

I came to a conclusion that I need to stop stressing out on the little things, and rather take the opportunities that are given to me as of right now. I've been suppressing my real passion, and goals.In the meantime I've been compromising them with less applicable substitutions. This summer needs to provide a positive critical thinking period for me, and hopefully inspire me with new trends, ideas, and design. As of this moment I want to live in an apartment/condo forever, thanks to Through this site, it has insipired me to redo my room, and provided innovative ideas for my future London flat(hopefully).


  1. Hey, good for you! It's always great to rethink your life, your goals and make new ones. Inspiration is something we all need in our life. Good luck! :)

  2. Love all these pictures! And good luck, too :)
    xx Leia


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